Responsible Gaming

3Plus Games is an online gaming platform owned and operated by 3Plus Games Private Limited (Company), incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013. 3Plus Games offers you a wide variety of card games and casual games for players of all skill levels. We know that gaming can be a fun and exciting way to pass the time, but we also believe that it's important to play responsibly because of its addictive nature. That's why we are promoting responsible gaming and creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all of our users.

3Plus Games want our users to have fun playing our games but also wants to make sure that they know when to take a break from gaming and step away from the mobile screens. Responsible gaming is all about this balancing. So, we encourage all our users to set a limit on the time and money they spend on our platform. Also, make sure that you refrain from using the app under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The gamers playing on 3Plus gaming application should be 18 years or above of age and the usage is solely at the user’s own risk. The users should make sure that they are accessing the app from a region of India where using the app is legal. Any death, injury, loss, or health complications resulting from the usage of 3Plus are not our responsibility.

Your general health and well-being are a major concern of ours. So, please be aware that holding the device too close while gaming, extended exposure to blue light, or poor posture may negatively affect your sleep or health. Use the gaming application responsibly to protect yourself from any negative repercussions resulting from the usage.

The 3Plus platform and its games may contain various graphic features, lights, and patterns that could be potentially harmful to some individuals. These simulations could cause discomfort, fatigue, numbness, burning, or tingling sensations. It is essential to stop using the app immediately and seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.

When it comes to playing games, ensuring a safe and secure environment is essential. Avoid playing games in areas close to balconies, escalators, windows, stairs, or moving vehicles as it can be dangerous. Always be mindful of your surroundings, and make sure that using the platform will not pose a threat to your safety or that of those nearby. The main thing is to prioritize safety and to be aware of potential hazards while using the platform.